If we choose to fear God and not fear man, then God will back us up.

As Christians, it’s time to get comfortable with civil disobedience. The Bible is full of bold leaders who lived their faith even in opposition to ungodly governments:

·  Daniel broke an executive order not to pray and was thrown into a lion’s den. God protected HIM.
·  Daniel’s friends refused to bow to a false God and were thrown into a fiery furnace. But JESUS stood with them, and they were not harmed.
·  Jesus himself healed on the sabbath, spoke uncensored truth and touched people who were considered unclean. The religious leaders had Him crucified for His crimes, but God raised Him from the dead.
·  The early church, like today, was told not to speak in the name of Jesus, yet they continued to proclaim Him without compromise or timidity. And the church GREW.

If we’ll choose to fear God and not fear man, then God will back us up.